a Tribute to Ted Andrews and More

Ted Andrews was an American writer and psychic, a teacher of esoteric practices. During the period between 1993 and 2009, he was successful in selling 500,000 copies of his popular book “Animal Speak“, published by Llewellyn. This book explores the idea of animals serving as spirit guides and symbols. A substantial number of people who are looking for spiritual guidance and comprehension have found that Ted Andrews’ teachings on the symbolism of animals, colors, flora, numerals, birds, and trees have struck a chord with them. Those who have been influenced by his work have been greatly impacted by his insights concerning the links that exist between spirituality and nature.
His teachings continue to inspire me as an individual, seeking wisdom from the spiritual world and the animal realm. His legacy will continue to live on with us…
This is a tribute to all of my spirit guides and loved ones. Your ongoing presence in my life continues to provide me with a source of guidance and support, in addition to assisting me in the practice of my art as a psychic medium.
I am forever grateful to all of you. I am also aware that you are keeping a close eye on me, and I am confident that we will cross paths once more.
Florence Fortunes
So mot it Be
Divine Spirit Elevation