Institut National des Arts Divinatoires
My Choice
As a member of INAD (National Institute of Divinatory Arts), membership card No. 2078, and due to my unwavering commitment to inform, warn, and defend my clients, I fully support this initiative aimed at promoting transparency and integrity in the field of divinatory arts. INAD does not merely set high standards, but also strives to inform practitioners of their rights and duties, thus helping them to practice their art with rigor and honesty.
Their Mission
The INAD consumer department plays a crucial role in ensuring information, prevention, and protection of consumers. This department maintains a register of professionals who adhere to the Moral and Professional Charter, thus ensuring that these practitioners comply with the ethical standards of the profession. This list serves as a valuable reference for consumers, allowing them to evaluate the skills and reliability of practitioners. By establishing trust-based relationships founded on transparent and ethical practices, INAD reinforces my confidence in its mission.

Their Vision
Through these efforts, INAD significantly contributes to raising the level of professionalism in the field of divinatory arts. As a member, I am proud to be part of an organization that places the interest of consumers at the heart of its concerns and works tirelessly to ensure a safe and ethical environment for all those seeking advice and services in this field. My commitment to INAD is driven by my desire to see divinatory arts practiced with the utmost integrity, and I am convinced that INAD’s actions are essential to achieving this goal.
You can view the INAD Professional Charter by clicking this link: INAD Code of Ethics.
You can learn more about INAD by visiting their website with this link: INAD Website.